Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014


Alfaqih Warsono

1.      Anaphora (sth before)
Rujukan terhadap sesuatu yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya). Kata-kata rujukannya seperti pada kolom Reference di table di bawah)
Refers to
It / its
Single noun before
She / her / hers
Single female person before
He / his / him
Single male person before
They / their / theirs
Plural nouns before
This / that
Noun / phrase / clause / sentence before
There  / here
Place (mentioned) before

**catatan :
a.       “It” sebagai kata ganti (pronoun) benda tunggal, misalnya menggantikan : a cat, the photo, my camera, the dream, an organization, the boy’s activity, dll.
b.      “He” sebagai kata ganti orang laki-laki, misalnya menggantikan : a boy, a photographer, a cameraman, Andi, my brother, an actor, dll.
c.       “They” sebagai kata ganti orang atau benda yang lebih dari satu, misalnya menggantikan : some cats, two photos, calendars, people, Andi and Jono, my brothers, our activities, dll

A duck swam in the pool. When I caught, it flapped its wings.  (it / its refers to A duck)
Budi’s mother sings with her friends. She looks happy. (She / her refers to mother)
Yudi’s sister called him with his short name.  (him / his refers to Yudi)
There are some roses in the garden. They are blooming.  (they refers to roses)
Maria lost her money. This made her sad. (this refers to lost her money)
Mimin sometimes cries in the night. I am often afraid of that. (that refers to cries in the night)
The beach is now in disorder. We never go there anymore.  (there refers to the beach)

2.      Cataphora  (sth after)
Rujukan terhadap sesuatu yang akan disebutkan kemudian/setelahnya). Kata-kata rujukannya seperti pada di table di bawah)

It + be + N
It refers to the Noun
It + modals + be + N
It refers to the Noun
It + has + been + N
It refers to the Noun
There is + N
It refers to the Noun
There are + N
It refers to the Noun
There will be + B
It refers to the Noun

It is a sunny day.  It refers to a sunny day
It’s you.   It refers to you
It was Friday yesterday.  It refers to Friday
There is a ball under the table.   There refers to a ball.
It takes ten minutes to do the task.   It refers to to do the task
It is stupid to hide oneself mistakes.  It refers to to hide oneself mistakes

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