Senin, 25 April 2011

"According to" dan "In opinion"

Al Faqih Warsono

Dalam beberapa kasus, masih banyak ditemui kesalahan penggunaan kedua istilah tersebut.
Kita menggunakan "according to" ("menurut ...") jika kita ingin mengatakan bahwa informasi kita berasal dari orang lain atau buku lain atau sumber lain, yang berarti sesuatu seperti : jika apa yang X katakan itu benar.

"According to" secara umum tidak digunakan dengan kata-kata seperti "view"(pandangan) atau "opinion" (pendapat). Sebaliknya, kita akan menggunakan kata "in ... 's view/opinion" sebagai pengganti "according to" itu.

Perhatikan contoh penggunaannya:

  • According to Mr. Nono, Islam means peace. (Menurut Pak Nono, Islam berarti kedamaian)
    Penggunaan yang salah : According to his opinion, Islam means peace. (Menurutnya, Islam berarti kedamaian).
  • According to the timetable, the train gets in at 7. (Menurut jadwal, Kereta api akan datang pada pukul 7)
    Penggunaan yang salah : According to me, the train gets in at 7. (Menurut saya, Kereta api akan datang pada pukul 7).
  • In my opinion, the rent's too high. (Menurut saya, sewanya terlalu tinggi)
    Penggunaan yang salah : According to me, the rent's too high. (Menurut saya, sewanya terlalu tinggi).
  • In his opinion, the success of exam is caused by the students' diligence and intelligence. (Menurut pendapatnya, keberhasilan ujian dipengaruhi oleh kerajinan dan kecerdasan siswa )
    Penggunaan yang salah : According to his opinion, the success of exam is caused by the students' diligence and intelligence. (Menurut pendapatnya, keberhasilan ujian dipengaruhi oleh kerajinan dan kecerdasan siswa ).

3 komentar:

  1. As salamu 'alaikum.

    Excuse me, sir.
    I'd been told by my lecturer that the use of "according to" (he said) is just for the experts.
    And the proper expression for us is "based on ... my/him/her/your opinion"

    I'm very sorry indeed, I just want to learn English and I want to know whether it's appropriate or not.

    Also, I need your criticism for my blog

    Was salamu 'alaikum

    1. Dear Van D Teach,
      Your criticism is very good, but please refer to Michael Swan's Practical English Usage (as what I wrote in Bahasa Indonesia above). "according to" is not only for those who are experts, as we don't know who is an expert. Swan wrote in his book : we use "according to" when we want to say that our info comes from from other person (can be an expert or not), book, timetable, etc. (p.6).
      About your suggestion by using " based on ... my/your opinion" as a proper expresion, I doubt then, please check "Oxford Dictionaries". There mentions :
      verb [with object]
      1 (base something on) use (something specified) as the foundation or starting point for something: the film is based on a novel by Pat Conroy; entitlement will be based on income.

      Other examples: based on the chart, based on the picture above, based on the table, based on the text, based on the abstract of the paper, based on picture above, and so on.

      Is an opinion a foundation or starting point for something? Is an opinion fixed or changeable?

      According to Michael Swan, if we use with "someone's opinion" or "view", he said, we will say : "in someone's opinion", in the government's view".

      So, I think my former writing is appropriate enough.

    2. Thank you, sir.
      Your explanation makes my knowledge in English brighter.
      Keep spirit in writing, always be the best!


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