Kamis, 01 Desember 2011


Alfaqih Warsono

Untuk menjawab apakah sebuah teks itu berbentuk Recount atau bukan, dapat dilihat/diketahui dari beberapa cirinya, yaitu:

Teks Recount memiliki keteranga waktu yang jelas di masa yang lalu, mislnya :
- On Sunday, on last holiday,  yesterday.
- Two months ago,   last January, On April 5, 2000.
-  In 1945, last year, a year ago.

Teks Recount menggunakan kata kerja bentuk lampau/kata kerja II (past tense), misalnya:
teks Recount menggunakan kata kerja listened (mendengarkan) bukan listen. Said (berkata) bukan Say, went (pergi) bukan go. dan sebagainya.

Dalam paragraf-paragrafnya menunjukkan peristiwa (events) atau kejadian yang berbeda-beda, dan itu merupakan pengalamannya (experience).

Teks Recount memiliki generik structure, yaitu:
- Orientation (pendahuluan yg menyebutkan jenis peristiwanya)
- Events (peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi selama kejadian itu).  Event biasanya lebih dari satu macam, sehingga dikenal dengan event 1, event 2, event 3, dst.

Sebuah contoh teks Recount  yang diambil dari : http://www.nasty-bali.org/experiences.html.

My Bali Experiences - An island paradise for whom?

My history with Bali first started with a holiday there in 1998. It was a choice between a package holiday to Bali, Jamaica or somewhere else I forget; Bali won as the other possible destinations were going to be in the middle of their rainy seasons. After deciding on Bali I started to research the island and found the hotel options in the "bargain" packages I had discovered were reportedly tourist traps devoid of true Balinese influence (Nusa Dua) or endured hoards of drunken profane red necks (Kuta), so I booked the cheapest option (Wina Cottages Kuta) and decided to stay there only for the first night, then travel around the island to see the "Real Bali". I used what Internet resources existed at the time including a Bali Travel Forum and various hotel sites but had significant cause to question their authenticity and legitimacy, which gave me the idea to set up my own. In retrospect it is ironic though, I did not even think of Bali as part of Indonesia at the time and I had no idea the island was ruled over by a dictator who reportedly killed thousands of his own people.
My history with Bali first started(1) with a holiday there in 1998.(2) It was(1) a choice between a package holiday to Bali, Jamaica or somewhere else I forget; Bali won(1) as the other possible destinations were(1) going to be in the middle of their rainy seasons. After deciding on Bali I started(1) to research the island and found(1) the hotel options in the "bargain" packages I had(1) discovered were(1) reportedly tourist traps devoid of true Balinese influence (Nusa Dua) or endured hoards of drunken profane red necks (Kuta), so I booked(1) the cheapest option (Wina Cottages Kuta) and decided to stay there only for the first night, then travel around the island to see the "Real Bali". I used (1) what Internet resources existed (1) at the time including a Bali Travel Forum and various hotel sites but had (1) significant cause to question their authenticity and legitimacy, which gave (1) me the idea to set up my own. In retrospect it is ironic though, I did not (1) even think of Bali as part of Indonesia at the time and I had (1) no idea the island was (1) ruled over by a dictator who reportedly killed (1) thousands of his own people. 
Keterangan :
(1) kata kerja lampau (kata kerja II)
(2) Keterangan waktu tertentu , yaitu tahun 1998.
cetak miring adalah orientation
cetak tebal adalah event 1
cetak tebal miring adalah event 2


8 komentar:

  1. emmm.. ea kau bagus sekali :) :* :p

  2. bagus bagus bagus makasih ilmunya

  3. kalo mendeskripsikan kotanya kayak "the city has a lake that very clean so we CAN SEE atau COULD SEE atau COULD SAW"?? please answer it... thanks before

    1. Pertanyaan Anda tidak menunjukkan peristiwa / pengalaman atau dg kata lain bukan mengenai teks Recount, kan?

      OK, gak apa2. Jika Anda ingin membuat teks yang bertujuan mendeskripsikan tempat (atau orang/benda), Anda akan menulis teks Descriptive. Dalam hal ini Anda menggunakan tenses bentuk simple present (habitual).

      "the city has a lake that very clean so we CAN SEE the under-water scene clearly".

      Catatan : Perlu diketahui bhw Anda tidak bisa menuliskan kata kerja (verba) lampau setelah bentuk modals (seperti can, atau could), jadi tdk bisa menggunakan frase verba seperti COULD SAW tetapi can see. Sedangkan frase verba COULD SEE dapat digunakan jika Anda menuliskan cerita lampau (Recount/Narrative).

      Namun jika Anda bermaksud menjelaskan sebuah kota dimana Anda melakukan perjalanana (pengalaman Anda), tentu Anda akan menuliskannya dalam bentuk lampau pula karena ini sudah terjadi. Kecuali kata kerja see setelah could seperti yang sudah disebut di atas.

      Jadi lengkapnya jika digunakan utk menjelskan kota dalam peristiwa, seperti :

      The next day, we visited Medan. The city had so clean lake that we could see underwater-scene clearly.


      The next day, we visited Medan with a very clean lake so that we could see underwater-scene clearly.

      moga manfaat


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